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0 points
Submitted by reece
almost 10 years

10/15 Make sure you have defined all the variables!

var red = [0, 100, 63]; var orange = [40, 100, 60]; var green = [75, 100, 40]; var blue = [196, 77, 55]; var purple = [280, 50, 60]; var myName = “Munster Bathrooms”; myName = “Munster Bathrooms”; letterColours = [purple, orange, red, pink, blue];

What have i done wrong? help please

Answer 53d8eea0282ae3b8150020a9

0 votes


letterColours = [purple, orange, red, pink, blue];

is spelt Colours, codeacademy uses US spelling and as such will only understand ‘colors’

I do it all the time.

Submitted by wicxity
over 9 years

Answer 53b43b647c82caffa4002ceb

-1 votes


  1. The exercise is looking for letterColors rather than letterColours.

  2. You don’t need the second line in the following code, it isn’t changing anything:

var myName = "Munster Bathrooms";
myName = "Munster Bathrooms";
Submitted by Judy
almost 10 years