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over 9 years

Why can't i get past problem 24/28?

For some reason I just can’t get past 24/28. Am declaring my variable but it says every time I did not declare it. Do I need to type it on a certain line or am I typing it wrong, I can’t be typing it wrong because am using a line from the explain section.

Answer 53f73ac9631fe94139001090

0 votes


//To declare your variable do the following: var myAge = 17; var myCountry = “America”; //then to use that do : console.log(myAge); console.log(myCountry);

//now you can do a differant age and country but that the formula. if you need anything just message me even though im just a few lesson ahead i might be able to help.

Submitted by jarehart97
over 9 years


Neil over 9 years

What has myCountry got to do with it?

Mutesa II of Buganda over 9 years

thank you

Answer 53f8687b52f863a0b1003f4f

0 votes


Hi Neil, I think the previous poster is talking about question 25, where “myCountry” is one of the variables.

It’s better if you post your answer and your attempt so it’s easier to help. My answer for 24 was:

Instructions Create a variable called myAge and type in your age. var myAge=17; console.log(myAge); //remember no quotes on numbers after typing console.log you always have to have ();

over 9 years


Mutesa II of Buganda over 9 years


Mutesa II of Buganda over 9 years

for some reason i did that put it still said I did not declare my variable

Mutesa II of Buganda over 9 years

sorry I mean’t to say but not put