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Submitted by isaak0
over 9 years


if (“Isaak”.length < 7 ) { else(“You have a short name”) console.log(“You have a long name!” ); } I dont see what the problem is here it says syntax error!

Answer 53fd10237c82ca12f20003ae

0 votes


Hi, yes, there’s a syntax error; it should be: if (“isaak”.length<7){ console.log(“I finished my first course!”) } else{ console.log(“whatever”) } You were required to make the result of evaluating the true statement be a log to the console of “I finished my first course!” Also, note that I kept the “if” statement, and the “else” statement in their own seperate curly brackets. Hope this helps!!

Submitted by Abdulla Alhalmy
over 9 years