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Submitted by NicholasPiva
over 9 years

10/15 Need help

var red = [0, 100, 63]; var orange = [40, 100, 60]; var green = [75, 100, 40]; var blue = [196, 77, 55]; var purple = [280, 50, 60];

var myName = “Nicholas”; var letterColors = [red, orange, blue, green, yellow];

drawName(myName, letterColors);

Answer 547655c68c1ccc7bc00009cf

0 votes


Hi Nicholas, what error message is it giving you?

Submitted by Judy
over 9 years


MongoSlade7 over 9 years

Im getting the same issue and th error message is telling me to make sure that I have defined all of the variables

Judy over 9 years

MongoSlade7,tIt’s hard to guess at a solution without seeing your code. If you have a minute, please post your code.

MongoSlade7 over 9 years

It took me look JUUST a little closer to see I had a period out of place. Thanks anyway though!