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over 9 years

I need these syntax errors fixed

Why is it that my code keeps on giving me syntax errors can you please tell me the error and fix it? I am on the Choose your own adventure course 5/7


// Check if the user is ready to play! confirm(“Are you ready to play?”);

var varName = age;

var age = prompt(“What’s your age”);

if (age < 13) { console.log(“You are 13 or under there for your are allowed to play but we take no responsibility”) } else { console.log(“You are over 13 have fun playing.”) }

console.log(“You are at a Justin Bieber concert, and you hear this lyric ‘Lace my shoes off, start racing.’”)

console.log(“Suddenly, Bieber stops and says, ‘Who wants to race me?’”)

var varName = userAnswer

var userAnswer = prompt(“do you want to race Bieber on stage”);

if (userAnswer = “yes”) { console.log(“You and Bieber start racing. It’s neck and neck! You win by a shoelace!”) } else userAnswer = “no” { console.log(“Oh no! Bieber shakes his head and sings ‘I set a pace, so I can race without pacing.’”); }

Answer 548cdf1295e3785fb6005356

0 votes


Delete var varName = age; it’s doing nothing and is not necessary.

Same with var varName = userAnswer

userAnswer = "yes" You need three equals signs for a comparison.

userAnswer = "no" else NEVER has a condition attched to it. Delete this.

Submitted by Neil
over 9 years