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0 points
Submitted by carl_harris97
over 9 years

Any Answers? Doesn't make a lot of sense

I have change the variable to ‘total’ as asked in the instructions, now its telling me that the output is incorrect? How can it be if I followed the instructions correctly before hand?

Answer 5512c88176b8fed28900219e

2 votes


meal = 44.50 tax = 0.0675 tip=15.0 / 100 this is the answer

Submitted by Jerome Browne
about 9 years

Answer 54c87537e39efe95700009eb

-2 votes


I’ll help you, but I need you to show me your code. please show it on a comment on my response or I won’t know when I get it.

Submitted by not a cat
about 9 years