Giving and Receiving Project Feedback

Learn how to participate in peer feedback opportunities to improve your code and collaboration skills.

Now that you have completed a Portfolio Project, it’s time to get feedback!

Learners like you have also completed the projects and shared them on the Codecademy forum. It’s a safe space to get reviews, help, and learn from others.

Post your project – including any code, findings, and presentation materials – on the forum and ask for feedback. Depending on the nature of your project, posting may require sharing a link or adding an attachment with your files in the forum. Follow the instructions in your project for more specific advice.

Peer review can improve your coding skills and make you a better team-player. Here’s how to get the most out of the discussion:

  • Clearly label your project with the path and project name.
  • Ask for specific feedback, e.g. “Is there a more efficient way to query this data?”; “Do you agree with my findings?”
  • Review your peers’ work too – you’ll be giving back to the community that helped you and you’ll get practice reviewing another developer’s code. Give both positive and critical feedback.

Finding Portfolio Projects

To get the best support, navigate to the specific forum post for the current Portfolio Project that you’re working on. You can find the forums pages for projects here.


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