Javascript Guide: Conditional Statements
if/else statements are how programs process yes/no questions programmatically. If the first condition evaluates to true, then the program will run the first block of code. Otherwise, it will run the else block.
let weather = "rainy";if(weather === "rainy") {console.log("Don't forget an umbrella today!");}else {console.log("It might be nice out today"!);}
Don't forget an umbrella today!
else if
else if statements are used to add more conditions to an if/else statement.
let weather = "sunny";if(weather === "rainy") {console.log("Don't forget an umbrella!");} else if (weather === "sunny"){console.log("Let's grab some sunscreen!");} else {console.log("It might be nice out today"!);}
Let's grab some sunscreen!
True and False values
All JavaScript values have a truthy or falsy value. Declared variables are automatically given a truthy value unless the variable value contains any of the following:
0 and -0
“” and ‘’ (empty strings)
NaN (not a number)
Note: To change a value from truthy to falsy and vice versa, use the following symbol: !
Comparison Operators
Less than (<**), greater than (**>), less than or equal to (<=**), and greater than or equal to (**>=) symbols are used to compare values. Three equal signs (===) are used to check if the values are equal in value and type. An exclamation with two equal signs (!==) is used to check if two values do not equal each other. The comparisons evaluate to a boolean value (true or false).
console.log(8 !== 8);console.log(5 <= 9);console.log(true === "true");
Logical Operators
Logical operators allow us to determine if both or either of the compared values are truthy or falsy.
Use && to check if both values are true.
Use || to check if either of the values is true.
firstValue | secondValue | firstValue && secondValue | firstValue || secondValue |
true | true | true | true |
true | false | false | true |
false | true | false | true |
false | false | false | false |
let num = 16;if(num > 15 && num < 17) {console.log("Your number is a perfect square!");}
Your number is a perfect square!
A collection of case statements that are compared to the switch condition and evaluated when the condition and case are true. A break is used between the cases to prevent additional execution. A default case gets evaluated when none of the cases are true. A switch statement accomplishes the same task an if/else if/else does in shorter lines of code.
let color = "green";switch(color) {case "orange":console.log("A mix of red and yellow");break;case "green":console.log("A mix of blue and yellow");break;default:console.log("Not sure about this one!");break;}
A mix of blue and yellow
Ternary Operator
A ternary operator is a shorthand syntax for an if/else statement.
The first expression after the ? executes when the condition evaluates to true, and the second expression executes when the condition evaluates to false.
let temperature = 190;temperature >= 212 ? console.log("It has boiled!") : console.log("It hasn't reached boiling temperature yet.");
It hasn't reached boiling temperature yet.
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