Developer tools articles
Developer tools are a collection of software applications and resources designed to help programmers create and maintain software. Popular tools in this category include Visual Studio Code (a general-purpose IDE) and Android Studio (the primary IDE used to create Android apps). These tools play a crucial role in streamlining the development process and enhancing efficiency in software development projects. The tutorials below provide tips and tricks on how to get started with developer tools.- A Helpful Guide to Navigating Android Studio
Android Studio Quick-Start Guide
- Developer tools,
- Java
- Learn how to make your sites work across all browsers and browser versions
Browser Compatibility
- Developer tools,
- Web design,
- Web development
- Use Visual Studio Code in your local environment and create an HTML website!
Building Projects with VS Code
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Get a jump start in web development by learning how to use Wix and its built-in editor along with its dedicated online development platform.
Building Websites with Wix
- Developer tools
- Getting started with the command line
Command Line Interface
- Bash/Shell,
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Developer tools
- Create pages from a collection quickly and simply through Wix's dynamic pages feature.
Creating Dynamic Pages
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- In this article, you'll learn how to use browser developer tools to analyze a web page's HTML and CSS, as well as learn techniques to help speed up your development workflow.
CSS Visual Rules in Chrome Inspector
- Developer tools,
- Debug your code using Visual Studio debugging tools
Debugging in Visual Studio
- C#,
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Learn how to deploy a back-end app using Heroku and GitHub.
Deploying a Back-End with Heroku
- Developer tools,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Learn how to deploy your own Flask application with Heroku.
Deploying a Flask App
- Developer tools,
- Python,
- Web development
- Share your website with the world, for free!
Deploying to GitHub Pages
- Developer tools,
- Open source,
- Web development
- In this article, you'll learn about the different environments that a project can be in as it goes through the process of development and eventually being released.
- Developer tools
- Learn about game development with one of the most popular game engines, Unreal Engine!
Game Development with Unreal Engine
- Developer tools,
- Game development
- An introduction to the most widely used version control system – Git
Getting Started with Git and GitHub Desktop
- Developer tools
- Heroku is a cloud-based Platform as a Service (PaaS) that enables developers to get an app up and running quickly, without the hassle of setting up a server.
Getting Started with Heroku
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Learn how to install IntelliJ on your machine and run your first Kotlin program in the IDE.
Getting Started with IntelliJ
- Developer tools,
- Kotlin
- Style your Wix website to your liking by using the Wix Editor.
Getting Started with the Wix Editor
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular and powerful text editors used by software engineers today.
Getting Started with Visual Studio Code
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Data science,
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular and powerful text editors used by software engineers today.
Getting Started with Visual Studio Code and Building HTML Websites
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Git provides us with a vast number of different commands that are listed on the documentation which can be intimidating at first. We will break down a couple that are powerful for daily tasks.
Handy Git Operations
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Learn how to checkout remote branches in Git and manage remote repositories effectively. We'll cover essential commands like `git branch -r`, `git fetch`, `git pull`, `git checkout`, and `git switch` to help us work with remote branches.
How to Checkout Remote Branches in Git
- Developer tools
- Learn how to delete a Git branch both locally and remotely. This tutorial covers git delete branch commands and common errors, which will help you keep your repositories clean and organized.
How to Delete a Git Branch Locally and Remotely
- Developer tools,
- Open source
- Learn how to roll back to previous commits in Git using git reset and git revert commands. Step-by-step guide to undo changes and manage your commit history effectively.
How to Revert to Previous Commits Using Git Reset and Revert
- Developer tools
- Learn how to switch branches in Git using the git switch command. This beginner friendly guide covers how to change branches, switch to remote branches, and use git switch effectively.
How to Switch Branches in Git Using Git Switch
- Developer tools,
- Open source
- Learn about Jupyter Notebooks and how you can use them to run your code.
How To Use Jupyter Notebooks
- Data science,
- Developer tools,
- Python,
- Web development
- Learn how to get PostgreSQL set up on your own computer
Installing and Using PostgreSQL Locally
- Developer tools,
- Game development,
- Mobile development,
- SQL,
- Web development
- This article will teach you how to install IDLE on Chromebooks so you can do Python projects on your Chromebook.
Installing IDLE on a Chromebook
- Developer tools,
- Python
- This article will teach you how to run Jupyter Notebook on Chromebooks so you can do off-platform Python projects on your Chromebook.
Installing Jupyter Notebook on a Chromebook
- Data science,
- Developer tools,
- Python
- Learn how to install Python packages and download Python 3 with Anaconda and Miniconda on Mac and Windows.
Installing Python 3 and Python Packages
- Developer tools,
- Python
- What is Jupyter Notebook?
Introducing Jupyter Notebook
- Data science,
- Developer tools
- Glossary of commonly used commands.
List of Command Line Commands
- Bash/Shell,
- Developer tools
- Follow this quick guide to setting up Mu locally.
Mu Editor
- Developer tools,
- Python
- Need a quick reference to fundamental Phaser concepts? Check this guide out!
Phaser Quick Guide
- Developer tools,
- Game development
- This article will teach you how to run Python code on Chromebooks so you can do off-platform Python projects on your Chromebook.
Programming in Python on a Chromebook
- Data science,
- Developer tools,
- Python
- This article will teach you how to set up the Linux environment on your Chromebook so you can program and do Codecademy off-platform projects on your Chromebook.
Programming Locally on a Chromebook
- Developer tools
- In this article, you will learn how to generate an API key to use the Rebrandly URL Shortener API.
Rebrandly URL Shortener API
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Run your Hello World Swift program locally using Xcode or Terminal.
Running Hello World Locally (Xcode & Terminal)
- Developer tools,
- Swift
- Learn how to use DB Browser to interact with SQLite databases
Running SQL commands in DB Browser
- Developer tools,
- Never fear losing work with this professional versioning system
Set Up with Git and GitHub
- Developer tools,
- Open source,
- Web development
- This article walks you through setting up your Wix account and other basic features of the Wix platform.
Setting up a Wix Account
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Navigate your operating system like a professional programmer
Setting Up Command Line
- Bash/Shell,
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Developer tools
- Learn about this tool that allows you to perform SQL tasks visually.
Setting Up DB Browser
- Developer tools,
- Get Postman setup on your computer so that you can start testing API requests with ease.
Setting Up Postman
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Setup MongoDB on your computer.
Setup MongoDB
- Developer tools,
- SQL,
- Web development
- Configure your computer to serve content from `localhost` using the Live Server extension and VS Code.
Spinning Up A Local Server
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Where to write your code when you're not on Codecademy
Sublime Text
- Developer tools
- View and edit an HTML element's box using Chrome DevTools.
The Box Model in DevTools
- Developer tools,
- In this article and tutorial, learn about how to interact with your repository's GitHub Issues and pull requests, right from the terminal!
Tutorial: GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface)
- Developer tools,
- Mobile development
- You've come a long way from creating a Wix account to building complex websites in Velo, but your journey isn't over.
Up Next on Velo
- Developer tools,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Debug and experiment with code from within your browser.
Use DevTools
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- This article will teach you how to set up for web development on Chromebooks so you can do off-platform web development projects on your Chromebook.
Web Programming on a Chromebook
- Developer tools,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Learn about RDBMS and the language used to access large datasets – SQL.
What is a Relational Database Management System?
- Developer tools,
- Game development,
- Mobile development,
- SQL,
- Web development
- Learn about the Integrated Development Environment, an application that makes programming easier!
What Is an IDE?
- Code foundations,
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Learn about the comparison tool in code editors. 👀
What is Diff?
- Developer tools
- Open-source ML library for Python. Built on NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib.
What is Scikit-Learn?
- Developer tools,
- Machine learning,
- Python
- Learn about the SQLite database engine and how to install it on your computer.
What is SQLite?
- Developer tools,
- SQL,
- Web development