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Submitted by Natalie
about 11 years

Visual basic

Visual basic really doesn’t seem to very popular…however, its the programme that I’ve been taught to teach myself to code on…any help? I am a total beginner, however, am very passionate about the subject of computing. Will look forward to your suggestions!

Answer 52a2d46d7c82ca2595000dfa

29 votes


I also think that we need a visual basic course because it is easy to learn.

Submitted by josemorales347
over 10 years


badjesus over 9 years

I agree! People seem to say VB is not popular but in the enterprise Microsoft world it definitely is. The Microsoft world is rather large in enterprise environments.

I’m with you. I’m having to learn VBA coding using youtube videos and it’s definitely not as helpful as code academy would be.

Zia Sultan over 9 years

I think that the admin will help us by adding vb tutorial thanks

Answer 5284bae2abf8215a35002aac

5 votes


Im totally agree, we need at least an ASP.NET course, Thanks

over 10 years

Answer 51369a9f6b0fbb8baa0000fb

2 votes


I learned VB when I was 15, and while it’s good to use to get used to programming, I was buggered when I got to uni and first saw C or C++. I mean, I could understand the code, but the syntax took me a long time to get used to (I’m a C average student, so I’m still pretty shocking..

Submitted by Logan King
about 11 years

Answer 52cd8bb9631fe92aec00051b

0 votes


I think you should start on javascript and/or python as they are easy to get hold of: alternatively, you can start with html/css and then jquery and then javascript the advantage of the latter being that it is far better for web development.

Submitted by Andrei Gheorghe
over 10 years


Marsh Mellows almost 10 years

There probably isn’t a VB course because it is kind of “junky” and isn’t a prefereed code.

Answer 536c76847c82cac271000c44

0 votes


which is the best interactive site for learning visual basic 6.0????

Submitted by Aushwin Biju
almost 10 years

Answer 54853dce9113cb556a001d2e

0 votes


I wish codecademy also build visual basic net tutorial like his python, js, etc. I just like other guy have been looking for any tutorial over the internet and did not find any good for too-old-to start programming like me. I urgently need to save my time as small as possible to learning programming. I know the power of programming that is why I need to learn to programming

Submitted by Totardo Tobing
over 9 years

Answer 553ab49976b8fe0dc4000312

0 votes


best site Ive found that walks you with Visual studio is its by Microsoft so it guides you through visual basic pretty well.

Submitted by Alex Cruz
almost 9 years

Answer 55b947ae937676eaf3000013

0 votes


I am also searching for VBA Code Academy Corses. There is nothing to argue it just helps u to get way more productive in business.

Submitted by Johannes Mahlich
over 8 years

Answer 51365be062255a3443001546

-12 votes


I don’t think Visual Basic it’s a good choice. Why don’t you try Python for example? It has a great community and it’s very popular.

Also if Python seems to be difficult I suggest you start with HTML, CSS (for web) because these are not “programming” languages but will be a good training to start.

Submitted by Alin Alin C
about 11 years