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Submitted by davclark
over 10 years

Are there keyboard shortcuts for the Code Editor?

For example, it would be nice to hit a key combination to submit my code, move on, etc. However, you can’t tab over to a button, because tabs are required in editing your code. is there a way to navigate Code Academy without a mouse?

Answer 52659c8f80ff331b40000d40

7 votes


A quick Google search found these 3 on the Code Academy blog. I searched for it & found that and also this post here after finding that CTRL+Enter (a common shortcut for submitting) worked and was hoping for more. The next lesson shortcut unfortunately only works until the end of a section. I dislike using the mouse for trivial things, so I hope they improve that shortcut.

Here’s a cheat-sheet you can follow

Reset Exercise Completely messed up a solution? Start fresh.

Windows: Alt-R Mac: Option-R Next Exercise Peek at the exercises ahead. Get excited by what the section has in store you!

Windows: Alt-P Mac: Option-P Previous Exercise Want to retrace your steps to solve the current problem? Revisit an exercise to see all you’ve done!

Windows: Alt-O Mac: Option-O Save and Submit Ready to see if it works?

Windows: Control-Enter Mac: Command-Enter

Submitted by Matt Ferderer
over 10 years


Kabir Goel over 10 years


Answer 524ca126abf821509f00621d

0 votes


I second this notion.. it would be great.. funny thing is jsfiddle is also missing this shortcut.

Submitted by Steve Rekhler
over 10 years

Answer 52cb28819c4e9dce7b00c013

0 votes


If you look at the answer above yours, you will see that ctrl-enter will submit your code.

edit: oops….that answer wasn’t there then…

Submitted by mateor *
over 10 years

Answer 552b1a8795e378e7cd000066

0 votes


Fortunately, Codecademy has a documentation for it. (Both PC and Mac)

Submitted by franklinyu
about 9 years

Answer 559dd71176b8fe667600033c

0 votes


I’ve checked the documentation however the shortcuts are not working for me. Well no, specifically the Save & Submit one. Does anyone know of a solution.

Submitted by Mika Caldera
almost 9 years

Answer 521ea06880ff3393f7001080

-1 votes


I don’t think there is, I tried hitting “Enter” on my keyboard, and it will just make up some space! But you can wait for someone else to Answer!

Submitted by Eloy
over 10 years