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0 points
Submitted by Thomas van rosmalen
over 10 years

need some help, thanks in advance

I get the this if i try to use this code: Oops, try again! Make sure your string is right and is between quotation marks!

Here is my full code:

confirm(“Ready To Rumble?”); var age=prompt(“are you above 18?”); if (age<=18) { console.log=(“enjoy the game”); } else { console.log=(“you can play but is at your own risk”); }

console.log=("Snow White and Batman were hanging out at the bus stop, waiting to go to the shops. There was a sale on and both needed some new threads. You've never really liked Batman. You walk up to him.");

Answer 52268d48f10c60bcb4000e80

0 votes


You are not coding your console.log correctly. Remove the equals signs.

Submitted by Neil
over 10 years

Answer 52536324f10c60067300364b

0 votes


Hi, what is wrong with my code? // Check if the user is ready to play! confirm(“Are you ready to play?”); var age = “18”; var age = prompt(“How old are you?”) if (age > 18) { console.log(“Great! Can’t wait to see your MAD SKILLZ!”) } else { console.log(“Uh oh! We will let you play, but we take no responsibility!”) } console.log(“Snow white and Batman were hanging out at the bus stop, waiting to go to the shops. There was a sale on and both needed some new threads. You’ve never really liked Batman. You walk up to him.”);

Hey. I’m stuck on this…. What’s wrong?

Submitted by Grizzly
over 10 years