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0 points
Submitted by Jalpa Vasani
over 10 years

error on 8/9, can anyone help me to point my mistake please?

this is error , I am receiving on 8/9

Oops, try again! It looks like your get_class_average function returns 26.85 instead of 83.8666666667. def get_class_average (class_list): total = 0.0 for student in class_list:

    total+= get_average(student)
    return total / len(class_list)
    print get_class_average(class_list)

Answer 527ccd7680ff33fe59002c31

0 votes


def get_class_average(class_list):
av = 0
for i in class_list:
    av += get_average(i)
return float(av) / len(class_list)
Submitted by Schaap
over 10 years