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0 points
over 9 years

Syntax error: missing ( before condition. I don't see anything missing

// Check if the user is ready to play!
confirm("I am ready to play!");
var age= prompt("How old are you");
{console.log("you can play but I am not responsible.");}
{console.log("Lets get it!");}
console.log("You are at a Justin Bieber concert, and you hear this lyric 'Lace my shoes off, start racing.'");
console.log("Suddenly, Bieber stops and says, 'Who wants to race me?'");
var userAnswer= prompt("Do you want to race Justin Beiber on stage?");
if{(userAnswer==="yes");{console.log("You and Bieber start racing. It's neck and neck! You win by a shoelace!");}
else console.log{("Oh no! Bieber shakes his head and sings 'I set a pace, so I can race without pacing.'");}
var feedback= prompt("How would you rate this game on a scale to 10");
{console.log("Thank you! We should race at the next concert!");}
else{console.log("I'll keep practicing coding and racing.");}

Answer 5490e288e39efe2074000e24

0 votes


You are missing a comparison operator in your if statement. 8 isn’t the age you should be comparing either.

Submitted by Neil
over 9 years

Answer 5490f58486f552e92d001025

0 votes


Still says i’m missing ( before a condition

// Check if the user is ready to play!
confirm("I am ready to play!");
var age= prompt("How old are you");
{console.log("you can play but I am not responsible.");}
{console.log("Lets get it!");}
console.log("You are at a Justin Bieber concert, and you hear this lyric 'Lace my shoes off, start racing.'");
console.log("Suddenly, Bieber stops and says, 'Who wants to race me?'");
var userAnswer= prompt("Do you want to race Justin Beiber on stage?");
if{(userAnswer==="yes");{console.log("You and Bieber start racing. It's neck and neck! You win by a shoelace!");}
else console.log{("Oh no! Bieber shakes his head and sings 'I set a pace, so I can race without pacing.'");}
var feedback= prompt("How would you rate this game on a scale to 10");
{console.log("Thank you! We should race at the next concert!");}
else{console.log("I'll keep practicing coding and racing.");}
over 9 years


It keeps changing my post. I didn’t put 8. This isn’t my code

haxor789 over 9 years

I dared to fix your formatting.