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Submitted by CJayCode
about 9 years

Help a brother out!

i am going to post the code that i gave me with the one i am trying to correct below! please criticize! :)

// Below is the greeting function! // See line 7 // We can join strings together using the plus sign (+) // See the hint for more details about how this works.

var greeting = function (name) { console.log(“Great to see you,” + “ “ + name); };

// On line 11, call the greeting function! var sayHello = function(Emily) { console.log(“Hey, + Emily”); }

Answer 54e55a8576b8fe9aea0008a2

0 votes


the FUNCTION talk

var myFunc = function( param1, param2) {
       //Begin of  anonymous FUNCTION-BODY
       //VARIABLE -myFunc- has an -anonymous function- assigned
       //this -anonymous function- has 2 PARAMETERS param1 and param2
       //param1 and param2 PARAMETERS are used 
       //as -local- VARIABLES throughout the FUNCTION-BODY

      console.log( param1 + " and " + param2 ) ;

      //End of anonymous FUNCTION-BODY

If you want to call/execute the anonymous function you will have to add a pair of parentheses to the variable myFunc like myFunc(); As the anonymous function was defined as having 2 parameters you have to provide 2 arguments in our case 2 string VALUES “Alena” and “Lauren” like myFunc(“Alena”,”Lauren”);

some quotes from the outer-world:

argument is the value/variable/reference being passed in, parameter is the receiving variable used within the function/block


“parameters” are called “formal parameters”, while “arguments” are called “actual parameters”.

Submitted by Leon
about 9 years

Answer 54e55b1b86f5524f330008ef

0 votes


var myFunction = function( param1 ) {
       //Begin of FUNCTION-BODY
       //myFunction =function= has 1 PARAMETER param1
       //this param1 PARAMETER is used as a -local- VARIABLE
       //throughout the FUNCTION-BODY

      return param1;

      //End of FUNCTION-BODY

you have defined a myFunction function which takes 1 parameter param1 this param1 parameter is used as a variable throughout the FUNCTION-BODY.

If you want to call/execute this myFunction function and this myFunction function was defined as having 1 parameter param1 you will have to provide 1 argument in our case a “number VALUE” 4 myFunction( 4 );

some quotes from the outer-world:

argument is the value/variable/reference being passed in, parameter is the receiving variable used within the function/block


“parameters” are called “formal parameters”, while “arguments” are called “actual parameters”.


As you are using the return-statement in your myFunction function you will only get a return-value no-display. You can however capture this return-value in a variable and then use the console.log()-method to do a display.

var theResult = myFunction( 4 );
console.log( theResult );

OR directly

console.log( myFunction( 4 ) );
Submitted by Leon
about 9 years