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Submitted by skivor
about 9 years

2/19 I need help before I go mad!!

this section is driving me nuts, I just can’t get it to work. I’ve copied and pasted what I think the code should be below, but have also tried many other combinations. This code does print eggs! to the console but I get an error message saying “oops try again. make sure function prints eggs! to the console”

Define your spam function starting on line 5. You

can leave the code on line 11 alone for now–we’ll

explain it soon!

def spam():

"""prints eggs!"""
print "eggs!"

Answer 551f1f6fe39efe69a100013e

1 vote


def spam(): “””Hello world””” print “Eggs!”

Submitted by deadsky
about 9 years

Answer 552960d4d3292fb99d0004c0

1 vote


CodeCademy works like that: if you dont write the right word for example eggs instead of Eggs it will be wrong

Submitted by arsenio
about 9 years

Answer 55189a1f51b887d6d800466e

0 votes


You need to print "Eggs!", rather than "eggs!".

Submitted by Glenn Richard
about 9 years


skivor about 9 years

Thanks :-) You just saved me from going insane!!

Glenn Richard about 9 years

Glad to learn that Eggs! served as an effective antidote.

Marc about 9 years

@ Glenn best comment ever XD

newguy66 about 9 years

this is idiotic, the interpreter is sometimes way too picky. It’s really doesn’t help when you puting eggs! there and them wonder why it doesn’t work when everything is done right.

Answer 552997cc95e37804c3000475

0 votes


def spam(): leave four spaces like below “””prints Eggs!””” remember Eggs! not eggs! print “Eggs!”

about 9 years