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Submitted by Nick Fallows
over 8 years

Ex 12/26 - Error Message

Hi I keep getting the error message that I haven’t closed the link tag. As far as I can work out here is the HTML - any suggestions please..

I took out the main html tags so that I could copy paste the head and body.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">
    <h1>Change me to Verdana.</h1>
    <h3>Change me to Courier.</h3>
    <p>Make me purple!</p>

Answer 55cf0e7a9113cb2ddc000556

1 vote


stupid something, you need xml syntax for this exercise, here it is:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css" />

xml needs a slash if the tag is self closing, you have seen it before:

<img src="#" />

it is not really mentioned in the exercises, i know, it sucks

Submitted by stetim94
over 8 years


Mohammad Abbas over 8 years

Thanks Man! How Much I Owe Ya For IT? :p

stetim94 over 8 years

you own me nothing, good i could be of help

Answer 55e043a586f55269e60005c7

0 votes


Thanks for that - it was driving me crazy! :-)

Submitted by Nick Fallows
over 8 years


stetim94 over 8 years

you’re welcome