What's the difference between Java and Javascript?
Hi, I am a new for programming. Which language is more reliable and important in real world? I started to learn Java with Java For Dummies 5th edition. At the same time, I started to use codecademy. Frankly codecademy is very interactive and fun to learn coding. But now a big bang, which one i should follow?
My main aim to learn coding is to build an online booking site with a strong database. Please help me to choose the right direction
Thank you.
Answer 4ff47f9d13eb170003032e15
As Alexander said, Java is a class-based, object-oriented compiled language that runs on many platforms, from your desktop computer to mobile phones. JavaScript is a prototype-based interpreted scripting language that runs primarily in the browser. Despite the similar names, they have very different designs and capabilities.
If you want to learn programming to make websites, then JavaScript will be very useful. It is used for client-side scripting in the browser, to add interactivity and dynamic content to websites. However, it is also starting to be used more for server-side programming as well (e.g. Node.js). The Code Year track here on Codecademy gives a thorough introduction to JavaScript and shows you how to use it in websites.
Java is also used on the web, primarily on the server side, but also on the client in the form of applets. It is a more full-featured language that can be used for everything from back-end servers to graphical desktop applications. It’s widely used in enterprise development, so it may be the more useful choice if that’s an area you’d like to get into.
I will say that it’s probably hardest to learn your first programming language. Once you learn how to think about programming, applying those concepts and patterns to other languages can be much easier. So, even if you decide to learn Java, if you have the time and find the lessons on Codecademy engaging, it may be useful to run through the JavaScript content, just to get a feel for common programming concepts.
Answer 4ff1cf585503db0003019fdd
JavaSript is a client based browser language and Java is an object based programming language may used on many differnet plattforms.
Answer 526a4ffaabf821971d001e3c
Java and JavaScript, both are different things. JavaScript is a client based browser language and Java is an Object Oriented Programming language. you should learn both the languages. But if you are still asking for any particular one out of these two than only Java.
Answer 53d519588c1ccc316300208d
If it helps, free interactive Java course and exercises here:
Answer 5281ba8ef10c60f18d00029b
menegroth312, i am new with the coding but how can one say that java can not make a website… I think JSP and servlet are there to complete the things. Please mention if i am wrong. TechknowHeights
Answer 4fe4aeed9b0e6400030043bb
Java would likely be better but JavaScript is much easier and more fun if you learn it on Code Academy. They both can do what you need ok but I think Java would likely do better.
Hope This Helps
Justin A !3 Year Old programmer
@Justin …”A !3 Year Old programmer” == “A not3 Year Old programmer” … Just sayin’…
Java cannot make a website…
Wrong, java can’t make a website, it is class-based, object-oriented compiled language, and handles other commands, Javascript handles some browswer based actions which help primarily but not limited to browser interaction between the client and the server.
Also code academy doesn’t teach java, only javascript ;D
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