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Submitted by James Donnelly
over 11 years

Code Doesn't seem to work. Please help!

The code that i’v used doesn’t work. It seems to be correct, but still displays this error message. “Did you remember to set your link’s text-decoration to none;?”. This is my CSS.

“ h1 { font-family:Verdana,sans-serif; color:#576D94; } p { font-family:Garamond,serif; font-size:18px; color:#4A4943; img { height:100px; width:300px; border: 1px solid #4682b4; } a { text-decoration:none; color:#cc0000; } “

And this is my HTML.

Answer 50bfcd434bf22ff17a0049cf

2 votes


check the paragraph ( p ) on CSS, I think you missed the closing semicolon “ } “ and for HTML code, you missed “ / “ on image.

Submitted by zubazuba
over 11 years


Alexander G over 11 years

You’re correct about the CSS, except “}” is a curly bracket, a semi-colon is “;”. As to closing the img tag, while correct to do so it’s not really required, and it certainly doesn’t add anything of value to the code.

James Donnelly over 11 years

Thanks very much :)

Answer 50c8bcb305bb42ed82000565

1 vote


Also, I found that My code only worked when I had the color first, and the decoration next in the “a” selector
like this:
text-decoration: none ; }

Submitted by Barnabas
over 11 years


George Chiang over 11 years

^ I could not figure that out for the longest time, I put text-decoration: none; on all of my selectors, but I didn’t have one for a, solved it for me, thanks.

Luis Alves Pereira over 11 years

That’s right. My code was correct and what passed the last two exercises was the swapping of all the attributes in the selectors for both exercises.