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0 points
Submitted by Greg Watson
over 11 years

The answer should be right, but still not correct...

Has anyone else encountered this? This is my code:

/Add your CSS below!/ h1 { font-family: Times, serif } h2 { font-family: Verdana, sans-serif } h3 { font-family: Vivaldi, cursive }

This is the error:

Oops, try again. Did you remember to put Times and a comma between font-family and serif?

Any thoughts? Thanks!

Answer 50cf391f71a29fb6820046e9

2 votes


Figured it out. I had to add semi-colons to the end of each font-family line.

Submitted by Greg Watson
over 11 years


Tomas Alijevas over 11 years

its weird that in some exercises it doesnt ask to add semicolon at the end if you have only 1 property but it did in this one

Giraficy over 11 years

It’s good to teach usage of semicolons, even though it wouldn’t be needed in some cases.

Luis Salinas over 11 years

had the same problem weird though

geds40 about 11 years

You should only need to add the semi-colons at the end of the line if another selector/property follows before the closing }

iiRosie1 almost 9 years

Yup semi colons are important.

iiRosie1 almost 9 years

Good job!

Answer 557caa089113cb29450005f4

0 votes


Put a semi-colon ; at the end of every line that has the font-family thingy. Example:

    font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
Submitted by iiRosie1
almost 9 years


iiRosie1 almost 9 years

Semi colons are important in this case.