Profile image of drunkidle
Submitted by drunkidle
almost 12 years

My links won't bring me to website only show blank page

a href=”"> Find info here a href=”"> <img src=”“</a I removed the < since it would not show ! what did i do wrong

Answer 5135328392930962d400005a

3 votes


It’s a simple mistake to make but because your linking this to a website you need to add http:// in order for it to work because without adding that it tries to direct you to" this happens because the html thinks the link is internal which it isn’t it’s external so you need to tell it this.

internal links would be <a href="folder/this.html">This Page Is on the same server as me</a> Which when clicked would take you to External links must be <a href="">This Page is on a different website than me</a> So when clicked it takes you to that exact link just add http:// to the start of the url and it should work

Hope this helped :)

Profile image of DigitalSolver
Submitted by DigitalSolver
almost 12 years


Profile image of drunkidle
Submitted by drunkidle
over 11 years

thanks man ! real help :)