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Submitted by BG
about 11 years

Don't see the error

When I run the code the title shows up, but I’m given an error that says: Make sure your title is exactly as shown in the instructions!. It seems to be so. What is the error? Below is the code:


Answer 513cf4d7a12178d8a000207b

0 votes


I had the same problem but them realised that the opening tag, webpage title and closing tag need to be on the same line

Submitted by Kristiana
about 11 years


Lisa Archer about 11 years

Thanks Kristiana, was stuck on that for ages! But, do you know, is it wrong or “bad” coding to have them on different lines? or is it just a glitch? Thanks for the help!

Kristiana about 11 years

I was told by a friend that whenever you open a tag the text should go after it and then the tag closed without any spaces but then you put a new opening tag on another line.

Lisa Archer about 11 years

cool, good to know, works with the indentation stuff too. Thanks!

Kristiana about 11 years

No problem, I think that problem would have driven me insane if someone hadn’t given me the answer so thought I would pass it along to save others as well!