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Submitted by Grey Alataar
about 11 years

Error: It looks like your <div> isn't 100px wide; it appears to be 472px wide.

I’m using Chrome on an Ubuntu machine, and the code in the stylesheet is as follows:

div { background-color: #cc0000; height: 100px; width; 100px; }

I’ve tried resetting the screen several times, without any change.

Thanks in advance!

Answer 5150dc76eb9c401659000e3b

2 votes


Your width property is misspelled; it should have a colon “:“ after the property, instead of the current semicolon. If you just change your code to the following, it will work.

div {
background-color: #cc0000;
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
Submitted by Alexander
about 11 years