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Submitted by Mary Bradley
almost 11 years

There's a formatting bug not allowing your lesson text to scroll; only the first panel can be read

Hey Codeacademy, the site is great but this first CSS syntax lesson has a bug I’m afraid will continue to show up. The lesson text on the left won’t scroll in Chrome, so the text ends with “You need to end each property-value with a …” and it’s hard to complete the exercise based on that.

Answer 5176debe9cf2f6d2950001ba

0 votes


Same issue here. I just zoomed out (CTRL -) and I could then see the rest of the instructions.

Submitted by Mitsu Kubo
almost 11 years


Alex J almost 11 years

This should be fixed now.

Answer 5182889410e576607c004907

0 votes


It says on the rest of the page:

“You need to end each property-value with a semi-colon (;). That’s how CSS knows you’re done with one pair and ready for the next.

INSTRUCTIONS Okay! Time for you to write some CSS all on your own. In the stylesheet.css tab, make the font color of the p selector green. (Check the Hint if you need help.) Hint Remember the general syntax for CSS:

selector { property: value; }

funny I don’t have the same problem. Hmmm…

Submitted by Jennifer
almost 11 years