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Submitted by fishnphil
almost 11 years

System telling me I forgot to add something between <html> tags, but I did


After entering some tags and text in between the

Here is the code that I entered:

<html><p>This is a new paragraph on the HTML page.</p>
    <p>Now I will present an unordered list:</p>
    <ul><li>Item One</li>
        <li>Item Two</li>
        <li>Item Three</li>
        <li>Item Four</li>

Here is the error message that I get from the system:

Oops, try again! Don’t forget to write something between your tags!

I tried simplifying the code to:

<html><p>This is a new paragraph on the HTML page.</p></html>

I still get the same error message after clicking “Save and Submit Code”. Is there a problem with the system or did I interpret the instructions incorrectly?


Answer 51c061f08c1ccc399200c2be

1 vote


You may forget the <body> tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>This is a new paragraph on the HTML page.</p>
Submitted by Eyad
almost 11 years


fishnphil almost 11 years

Thank you for the suggestion. Breaking up the code into separate lines seemed to solve the problem. I had resolved my problem before you and Michele had a chance to respond and I posted what I had done so everyone would know that I solved the problem, but for some reason my last comment did not get added to the conversation thread. I apologize. I will verify that all my comments are added before I leave the forum from now on. Thanks again.

Eyad almost 11 years

No problem .. we do nothing

Answer 51bfffb58c1ccc7e020077c7

0 votes


I would write it as

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>This is a paragraph</p>

like.. i would separate it out or… post me the original starting of code

Submitted by Michele
almost 11 years


fishnphil almost 11 years

Thank you for your input Michele. I tried your suggestion before you or Eyadoo had a chance to respond to my original question and it seemed to solve the problem. I added another comment to the thread that I started explaining that I had figured out what I did wrong, but for some reason the comment didn’t get added to the thread. I apologize. Next time I will verify that all my comments are on the thread. Thanks again.