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over 10 years

Why isn't my image in link working 12/13

What am I doing wrong???

Images and links
Good work! Let's make sure you really understand images and links before we move on to the review.

Between the <body> tags, add two images using the <img> tag. One should be a link; the other should not. The link can go anywhere you want.
After your two images, create a link that's just a line of text. It can link anywhere you want.

<!DOCTYPE html>
         <a href=""><image src=""/></a>

Answer 525df7d380ff33e617000f49

0 votes


i could be wrong but it looks like you have the command tag going to what looks like an image ??? i don’t know if that would be a problem :S

it also looks like you have an extra ‘>’ after your command tag. This is what i did and it seemed to work.

<a href=""  
<img src=""/></a>
Submitted by Erosha
over 10 years


nope that extra “>” was where it should be, I’m guessing it’s just a glitch.

Lucie Ossola over 9 years

No, you should have <img instead of <image

Answer 55d2807de39efe839f00050e

0 votes


this one worked for me

<a href="">
    <img src="" /></a>
    <img src="" />
<a href = "ahahahaha"></a>	
Submitted by ypt3
over 8 years

Answer 525de313f10c605b5e00099d

-1 votes


I have the same problem.

Submitted by ravi patel
over 10 years


Ye, Im not sure what going on. I even tried to turn the picture into a link.