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0 points
Submitted by LeslieOrchard
over 10 years

Adding images

I am a bit confused as to what file path I should be using to point to my locally saved images. I have a folder of images for each project which will eventually be published, but how does this work in the meantime, for instance when I send an assignment off for grading. The files are no longer accessible on my drive????? Think I am missing something basic, but cannot grasp it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Answer 52821e99abf8211ec10028c6

1 vote


Seems like nobody answered yet. If you want to use an image anywere online or direct someone to it, you should upload this image first using either an upload site or the webserver you’re using.

Some image upload sites:

Submitted by Sarah
over 10 years

Answer 5521559793767622e20005b4

1 vote


Try this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <img src="" />
    <img src="" />
Submitted by iiRosie1
about 9 years

Answer 528e1b84abf8213571003504

0 votes


If you have posted this in the right place, you are just looking for a link from anywhere, be it a Google search or anywhere you can get a link.

Like the above commenter said, if you want to use your own image, you will have to upload it to one of those upload sites.

Submitted by Ryan Bowers
over 10 years

Answer 5298f24580ff33a1ef00976d

-2 votes


Try this code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <img src="" />
        <img src="" />
Submitted by Cousins
over 10 years