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0 points
Submitted by Emil Martinell
over 10 years

Passed and understands, still a question


class Person {
    public $isAlive = true;
    public $firstname;
    public $lastname;
    public $age;
    $teacher = new Person();
    $student = new Person();
        echo $teacher->isAlive;

Question: isAlive is typed with a captial “A”. The following code is written without the second word starting with a captial letter, “firstname”.

Why doesn’t it take “firstName” aswell? is it just because it needs to match description, or is there anything to it.

Now if there isn’t anything to this beyond following description. I would strongly urge that changed due to possible confusion.


Answer 52a77b9d8c1ccc71410007c7

1 vote


Hello, thanks for your feedback, I will do so. :-)

Submitted by boring12345
over 10 years


Emil Martinell over 10 years

Awesome, keep up the good work :)