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0 points
Submitted by Isais
about 10 years

9/21 [resolved] Trying to wrap <head></head> around <style></style> but it's not letting me.

This is my code thus far.

<!-- I'm a comment. You won't actually see me on the web page.
     You should write your header in the line below me! -->
        body {
            text-align: center;

<h1>Ryan Isais</h1>"
    <p>Hi! I am learning how to make my very onw web page! I 
    really like blueberry muffins and long walks on the beach.</p>
    <input type="email"placeholder="Your Email">
    <input type="submit">

Answer 52f465d6282ae39ad40004c3

2 votes


Hey Isais, try doing this

your stuff
then close in the order(body,style,head) it should work

Submitted by AniruddhA
about 10 years

Answer 52f4915e282ae3da19000b1d

0 votes


Thank you, also I found out that I had to use the actual 1st line of the page for it to work… kinda weird but I still got it

Submitted by Isais
about 10 years


AniruddhA about 10 years

i know i spent quite some time figuring it out myself

Answer 53002f3a52f8638d13005785

0 votes


Delete everything, except the style tags and it should work. While, I’m here, does anyone know how to pass the “Hangman Game” in CodeYear? The other one that I’m having trouble with is “Sliding with jQuery.” Please provide your code. I’ve tried every solution.

Submitted by Leo M.
about 10 years

Answer 530c2830631fe9b083000f61

0 votes


I cant do any more of these exercises. The code is clearly correct, but wont pass the checker so i can get this exercise marked as correct and move on. This was a good site up until this. p.s. this isn’t the only exercise i’m having this issue on…..

Submitted by Malcolm Chalmers
about 10 years


AniruddhA about 10 years

hey post your code and i might be able to help you

AniruddhA about 10 years

fyi delete the comment and try it again the

Answer 530d04bf8c1cccd7dc000e00

0 votes


Here’s my panel.css code: #panel { position:absolute; top:-180px; } #tab { position:absolute; } And here’s the panel.js $(document).ready(function(){ var $panel = $(‘#panel’); var $tab = $(‘#tab’); $(‘#panel’).css({position:’absolute’, top:’-180px’});

$(‘#tab’).click(function(){ (‘#panel’).css({position:’absolute’, top:”-180px”});

});// click handler for tab });//end document ready handler

This is the message that I keep getting when I try to hit Save & Submit. Oops, try again. Make sure you set ‘top: -180px’ on #panel.

Submitted by Leo M.
about 10 years

Answer 530d055680ff33c17c000e37

0 votes


Did anyone manage to solve the Hangman game? The first five parts are not running even though it seems as though the answers are correct. Perhaps, I’m wrong about this.

Submitted by Leo M.
about 10 years