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Submitted by resilientia
about 10 years

Why won't my links work? Can't visit the linked site to test the CSS code.

I’ve typed up my HTML and CSS code and received the response that it’s correct. However, the only change that occurs to my links is that the text turns green when I hover over them. The links won’t work to go to the external website for me to test if the change works for the visited link. Also, I don’t see any change to the unvisited link’s color after I typed in my CSS code. Why won’t my links work and is coding correct?

See codes below:

        <p><a href:"">Visit me</a></p>
        <p><a href:"">Leave me alone</a></p>
        <p><a href:"">
        Hover hover!</a></p>

a:link{ text-decoration:none; color:#008b45; }

a:visited{ color:#ee9a00; }

a:hover{ color:#00ff00; }

Answer 52fcb7a1548c3511610052e4

0 votes


a href=”your link”

use = sign, not colon.

Submitted by stetim94
about 10 years