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Submitted by mykil-paul
about 10 years

10/15 [resolved] Make sure you have defined all the variables!

Please tell me what is wrong here. var red = [0, 100, 63]; var orange = [40, 100, 60]; var green = [75, 100, 40]; var blue = [196, 77, 55]; var purple = [280, 50, 60];

var myName = [“Gabe”,”MONKEY”,”OoOoOoO]; letterColors =[“red”,”orange”,”green”,”blue”,”purple”];

drawName(myName, letterColors; [“blue”,”red”,”orange”]);

Answer 5340b317282ae3886d00043d

1 vote


Hi mykil-paul,

You will need to make your myName variable a string, not an array. So no [ ] brackets. One set of " ". Instead of this:

var myName = ["Gabe","MONKEY","OoOoOoO];

something more like:

var myName = "Gabe MONKEY OoOoOoO";

Your letterColors array should be an array of variables that represent colors, not an array of strings. This:

letterColors =["red","orange","green","blue","purple"];

should be like this:

letterColors = [red, orange, green, blue, purple];

Your drawName function call takes two arguments, myName and letterColors. Instead of:

drawName(myName, letterColors; ["blue","red","orange"]);

you should have this:

drawName(myName, letterColors);
Submitted by Judy
about 10 years

Answer 5347153f631fe9bc8b000543

0 votes


Hi mykil-paul, I see that you now have a working Animate Your Name codebit so I have marked your question as [resolved] - It looks great!

Submitted by Judy
about 10 years