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Submitted by Ben Hirsch
about 10 years

Problem with instructions? Not sure whats wrong with this code, it should pass me.

from urllib2 import urlopen

from json import load

key = “API_KEY”

def buildapicall(key): url = ‘'+ key url += ‘&format=json’ zip_code = raw_input(‘Enter your zip code:’) url += ‘&zip=’+ zip_code return url

def callstationapi(url): response = urlopen(url) j = load(response) return j

url = buildapicall(key) print ‘URL:’ + url

jsonobj = callstationapi(url)

Answer 537d99f580ff3357de001001

0 votes


change your print “URL:”+url into print “URL :”+url

Submitted by buu thong tran
almost 10 years