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Submitted by DarknessReigns
almost 10 years

CSS Overview 26/26 href attribute?

I am pretty sure i put in the right code for this but i keep getting the “Oops, try again. Did you remember to give your link a ‘href’ attribute?” message help please. Here is my code:

Answer 537d73719c4e9d479a000dc7

0 votes


I also put the ending < and > for the h1 and p tags but i forgot to open them sorry

Submitted by DarknessReigns
almost 10 years

Answer 537db3b680ff332cdc001463

0 votes


<!DOCTYPE html>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css"/>
<h1>Anything you want</h1>
<p>Any Text You Like</p>
<img src="" />
<a href=""> Click here for youtube</a>

</body >
</html >

you forgot the quotes. you had this: <img src=#> <a href=#>text</a>

i am using a hash instead of a link, makes it easier to see.

it should be: <img src="#" /> (if you want to do it correctly, the image tag is self closing) <a href="#">text</a>

the quotes around the hash (which should be an actual link) you forgot them. also check here how to display code on the forum.

Submitted by stetim94
almost 10 years


DarknessReigns almost 10 years

Thank you very much! It worked :D!!!