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0 points
Submitted by Noemi Guzman
over 9 years

why wont it go through?

$items = 6;    // Set this to a number greater than 5!
    if($items < 5) {
      echo "You get a 10% discount!";

Answer 53d0fed152f863516c001e67

1 vote


You have not changed the lesser than sign on line 9 if ($items <5) }

change your lesser than sign < to greater than > 5 on your line 9 and then check your results.

Ex: like this one below <?php $items = 6; // Set this to a number greater than 5!

    if($items > 5) {
      echo "You get a 10% discount!";
Submitted by Farzana Zia
over 9 years