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Submitted by sam-jam
over 9 years

13/21 [resolved] Why is it not letting me change the background image? Am I doing something wrong?

I was trying to change the background image, and every time I tried, nothing changed. Here is my code:

<!DOCTYPE html>


body {
    text-align: center;
    font-family: Helvetica;
h1 {

p {
    text-align: center;

So where exactly do I put the img src tag? I don’t understand that part clearly. It’s telling me to take out the h1 tag and put the img src, but I really don’t understand waht that means and where the tag should go. Can someone please help me? Thanks!

Answer 53d30315631fe976020000b2

0 votes


You say you want to change the background image but maybe you mean the icon image?

The exercise is asking you to locate the line of code that you created in exercise 1/21, the line should look something like:


Once you locate it then you are asked to replace the entire line with this line:

<img src="" height="250" width="250">
Submitted by Judy
over 9 years


sam-jam over 9 years

Thank you! That really helped!

Judy over 9 years

You’re welcome!