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Submitted by Zoya47
over 9 years

26/26 link text

My link text is showing up on the demo screen but the error says “Oops, try again. Did you remember to put some link text between your tags? You can’t leave them empty!”

Is there a problem in the html code?

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link type="text/css"; rel="stylesheet"; href="stylesheet.css"/>
        <h1>Anything!!! </h1>
        <p> sooo </p>
        <img src=""/>
        <p> <a href="">yep.</a> </p>

Answer 53ed7e0752f863fe1d000914

0 votes


I am having the same issue.

5 minutes later edit: I changed my code from:

       <a href="">This goes to formula 1.<a/>


           <a href="">This goes to formula 1.</a>

and it passed 26/26. Although I do not see what is wrong with your code Zoya47.

Try putting the link text before the image.

Submitted by dagoberto vargas
over 9 years