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Submitted by Luke Smidt
over 9 years

5/6 Error message for "Text between the <a></a>"

Here’s my code

    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css"/>
    <title>About Me</title>
    <img src=""/>
    <p>We're Codecademy! We're here to help you learn to code.</p><br/><br/>
        <a href="">Like us here!</a>

So I keep getting the error message that says “Make sure you put some text for your link between your tags!” I’m pretty sure the Like Us Here! is the text I’m using . What am I missing! Thanks for you help!

Answer 5469f62c80ff330d640078a3

1 vote


Your code passed validation for me.

If you still have a problem refresh the browser with CTRL f5 if on Windows or Linux or CMD r if on a MAC

Submitted by tony de araujo
over 9 years

Answer 5470bd1d282ae3041d001f1f

1 vote


Same problem, tried refreshing makes no difference

Submitted by mikeyh88
over 9 years


tony de araujo over 9 years

If you want me to test your code please paste it on the box labeled “Add an answer”

mikeyh88 over 9 years

Thanks for your response, there was a rookie mistake in my code and I have now fixed it.

Answer 547233a18c1cccf90800586f

1 vote


your don’t need the third / so it should look like this

 <a href="">Like us here!</a>   

yours looks like

<a href="">Like us here!</a>

at least I believe so.

Submitted by Timelordreaper
over 9 years

Answer 54a1ba8176b8fef10b015f3b

0 votes


I keep getting an error code saying to add text between my tags!!! here is my code

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css"/>
        <title>About Me</title>
        <img src=""/>
        <p>We're Codecademy! We're here to help you learn to code.</p><br/><br/>
            <a href="">Friend us on <span>Facebook!</span></a>	
Submitted by tbrents
over 9 years


tony de araujo over 9 years

Your code works for me on exercise 5/6. Try refreshing the browser with CTRL f5 if on windows or CMD r if on MAC

Answer 54cbc29b51b887fd2f000455

0 votes


insted of this code try taking the span out. Friend us on Facebook!

try this: Friend us on Facebook!

Submitted by Kivria Rahman
about 9 years


Brandon Villegas about 9 years

wat its the same