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Submitted by Rafeh Qazi
about 9 years

Using YouTube API Outside Codecademy Environment

How can I use YouTube API code outside of codecademy environment? I have gotten this code below from one of the other forums on here. Though, nobody submitted a satisfying response to that particular problem. When I open the .html file in a browser it shows me a blank page. I need to know how I can do this on my own! I generated my own API key from Google Developers Console already as well.

Answer 54f0a5509113cb18ff0003e9

1 vote


Please can somebody answer this or point in the right direction. It seems like we are taught in a nice simple way how to do this in the codecademy environment then our only choice is to take the massive jump into thousands of pages of google documentation to try and figure out how to do this locally.

Submitted by AJD
about 9 years