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Submitted by Bonjameen
about 9 years

How do I make the animation rotate to the left?

I really wanna make it so the earth has a moon orbiting anti-clockwise, I have the moon orbitting the earth and everything works a charm, but I want some diversity, so does anyone know what I can do?

Answer 5523270195e37892c3000684

0 votes


Hi Bonjameen,

Please create a Codebit with what you’ve got so far.

Submitted by Zeke Y
about 9 years

Answer 5535952c86f5525ab0000399

0 votes


Hello, I don’t have an answer, but I have the same problem. I also want to make the earth go anti clockwise.

Submitted by milobslick
almost 9 years


Zeke Y almost 9 years

Give me a Codebit, & I’ll flip the animation around for you so you can see how to do it.