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Submitted by Johnson Tran
about 9 years

Why does 2/9 not work??

var userChoice = prompt(“Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?”);

You see, I copied down what they wanted me to do. Character by Character. It just wouldn’t work. It keeps saying an error “Oops, try again. Did you set userChoice equal to the result of prompting the user?”

Can somebody help me? [email protected]

Answer 54f98eb5d3292fea470012e9

1 vote


I can pass the exercise using your code, maybe refreshing the page already solves the problem.

Submitted by haxor789
about 9 years


Alex Sharp about 9 years

I got the same problem. Tryed to go thru th different brovsers, refresh page, hardly refresh ( Ctrl + Shift + R ); But nothing works

haxor789 about 9 years

could you post your code?

Alex Sharp about 9 years

Sorry, but no, because I`ve cahge it before i saw your message *( Now everything works fine, after some changes… It seems like validator works different ways on different pages.

Johnson Tran about 9 years


Johnson Tran about 9 years

Thanks, Alex Sharp. I switched between browsers, and it worked.

Alex Sharp about 9 years

Jonson Tran, another tip for you: you can use desktop code editor to debug your code. E.g. Brackets, or Sublime. This editors can check your code for any mistakes with syntax.

Answer 54fa332d86f552dcc4000705

-2 votes


I did that and it didn’t work. Still, I copied word by word.

Submitted by Johnson Tran
about 9 years


haxor789 about 9 years

Okaaaay… And refreshing did not help? As said I can pass with the code mentioned above, so its not about the syntax of the statement or anything like this. Have you checked your browser settings javaScript enabled and stuff like this?

Johnson Tran about 9 years

What are you talking about?

haxor789 about 9 years

You tried this code on 2/9: var userChoice = prompt(“Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?”); Right? And it did not work? You did refresh the page and tried again and it still did not work? Yes? Well I copy and pasted that code entered it in 2/9 and I was able to pass this exercise. So I don’t see any obvious errors and the exercise didn’t tell me any errors, so I assume the code is correct and now am asking if you’re system has any problems.

Johnson Tran about 9 years

I solved the problem because right now I am on Internet Explorer 11 on metro. All I needed is on load the webpage on the desktop Internet Explorer.

Johnson Tran about 9 years
