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Submitted by Prashant
over 8 years

Oops, try again. Did you remember to add a border of color #3A5FCD around every element?

h3 { border: 1px dashed; border-color:#3A5FCD; }

div p{

    border: 1px dashed;

border-color: #3A5FCD; }

body { 
    border:1px dashed;

What’s wrong here am stuck !!! in this page

Answer 55d190329376769785000258

0 votes


when using border, either use single property:

border: 1px dashed #3A5FCD;

or single property:

border-width: 1px;
border-style: dashed;
border-color: #3A5FCD;

your border syntax works, but the border-property makes the border black, and then border-color overwrites, not the most efficient.

Anyway, now the actually problem: you need to use the universal selector (*)

<html> is also an element, plus SCT expects you to use the universal selector.

Submitted by stetim94
over 8 years