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0 points
Submitted by GrimTheRed
over 8 years

Me and my superstitions.

Just want to know if I’m understanding this correctly and not using a loop hole to pass the exercise. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

// Use rand() to print a random number to the screen
print rand(0, 5234);
// Use your knowledge of strlen(), substr(), and rand() to
// print a random character from your name to the screen.
$myName = "Brett";
$max = strlen($myName) - 1;
$letter = substr($myName, rand(0,$max), 1);

print $letter;


Answer 5614167f95e378c57d00037d

0 votes


Late but better then never ;)

You can shorten your code like this:

print substr($myName, rand(0,$max), 1);
Submitted by Codmakr
over 8 years