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0 points
Submitted by shemona singh
over 8 years

Question for 7/8

I keep getting this error: Oops, try again. Your reverse sorted array should have at least 3 elements in it. Make sure to pass a comma as the first argument to join() !

I think I know why I’m getting it, but how can I fix it? Here is my code:

Answer 55dd735e86f552bedc00021c

1 vote


here is my code. and success for me to the next lesson :

Submitted by Asep Erlan Maulana
over 8 years

Answer 55dcd70c86f5523235000278

0 votes


You need to make a array called $the_array .

Submitted by Canfly
over 8 years


shemona singh over 8 years

i changed my array name to $the_array but I am still getting the same error