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Submitted by cammy80
over 8 years

5/14 I'm stuck on where to put everything...

I’m not sure where to put this:

  • Between the <div class="jumbotron">..</div> section and the <div class="learn-more"> section, add a div element with the class “neighborhood-guides”
  • Inside <div class="neighborhood-guides">..</div>, add a div element with the class “container”
  • Inside <div class="container">..</div>, add a h2 element that says “Neighborhood Guides”, and a p element that says “Not sure where to stay? We’ve created neighborhood guides for cities all around the world.”

Next let’s set up a row with three columns, just like the Learn More section.

After the closing </p> tag, add a div element with the class “row” Then inside <div class="row">..</div>, add three div elements with the class “col-md-4”.

It says “Between the <div class="jumbotron">..</div> section and the <div class="learn-more"> section” but I don’t know where that is, or where to put it. If someone could show me, it would help me a lot. Thanks!

Answer 55e1f96995e378900000053d

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Hi cammy80,

Those are a lot of instructions, just take them one step at a time.

Keeping your matching open/close tags at the same indent level will help you see what you are building.

This page you are making is composed of 4 major divs. The nav, jumbotron, neighborhood-guides and learn-more. At the end of exercise 4/14 you would have had the nav, jumbotron and learn-more in place and in 5/14 you are adding neighborhood-guides. It goes between jumbotron and learn-more.

Here is the overall plan that you are aiming for:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <div class="nav">
      <div class="container">
      ... your nav code goes in here

    <div class="jumbotron">
      <div class="container">
      ... your jumbotron code goes in here
    <div class="neighborhood-guides">
      <div class="container">
      ... your neighborhood-guides code goes in here

    <div class="learn-more">
      <div class="container">
        ... your learn-more code goes in here

Submitted by Judy
over 8 years