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Submitted by andced01
over 8 years

7/14 Please need fast help - I can´t see the problem. Can you?

HI - I get this message: Oops, try again. Add a <div class="thumbnail">..</div>

The first Mexico City and second New York picture is fine, but the Tokyo and Paris is very small and “invite friends..” is to right of those pictures.

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            <div class="thumbnail">
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Answer 55e73ddd86f55294b50001c8

0 votes


Hi andced01,

There is a problem in your jumbotron, here is your code with some notes from me:

<div class="jumbotron">
  <div class="container">
    </div>  <!-- this closing tag should not be here -->
    <h1>Find a place to stay.</h1>
    <p>Rent from people in over 34,000 cities and 192 countries.</p>
    <a href="#">Learn More</a>
    <div class="container"> <!-- this opening tag should not be here ->

In your neighborhood-guides div, the only thing missing is the closing tag for your first column div.

Submitted by Judy
over 8 years


andced01 over 8 years

Hi, thx! It still says “Oops, try again. Add a

“ and my code looks like this now - Do I understand you correct?

Judy over 8 years

Ahhh – so hard to read ;) I’ll repost the important part in the next “Add an answer” box.

Answer 55e9920b51b887be7d000494

0 votes


Hi andced01,

Here is your code with some comments where things need fixing:

<div class="neighborhood-guides"> 
    <div class="container"> 
        <h2>Neighborhood Guides</h2> 
        <p>Not sure where to stay? We've created neighborhood guides for cities all around the world.</p> 
    </div>  <!-- this is closing your container too soon -->

        <div class="row"> 

            <div class="col-md-4"> 
                <div class="thumbnail"> 
                    <img src=""> 
                </div> <!-- thumbnail -->
                <div class="thumbnail"> 
                    <img src=""> 
                </div> <!-- thumbnail -->
            <!-- need to close the first column here -->

            <div class="col-md-4">           
Submitted by Judy
over 8 years