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0 points
Submitted by tootlemd
over 8 years

3/9 Wrap with a div

I am stuck on 3.9 - should I not be mirror the example? I continue to get the message Oops, try again. Place both ul elements in between opening

and closing

Thanks for the help!

Answer 55e70cca937676f1b900053a

0 votes


Hi tootlemd,

The example is very close to what the finished nav div should look like. They’ve put … where your list items belong.

If you show us your code we can help you see what needs fixing.

How to post code in the forum.

Submitted by Judy
over 8 years


Kristine Joy Iyo over 8 years

Answer 55e7d1d651b88775f5000524

0 votes


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <div class="nav"> 
<div class="container"> 	
        <li>Sign up</li>
        <li>Log in</li>

hi @albionsRefuge this is my code.can you please help me?

Submitted by Kristine Joy Iyo
over 8 years


Judy over 8 years

Hi Kristine, the problem there is the way your divs have been placed. The container div must surround both lists – open it before the first list and close it after the last list. Then the nav div should be placed to surround the container. Is that making sense to you?

Answer 55e8b08595e3780fd9000146

-3 votes


This took me a million tries. I finally copied exactly what the example showed. I removed anything that wasn’t in the example and it worked! Spaces, extra coding terms- take them all out and copy only the example.

Submitted by JRA2015
over 8 years