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0 points
Submitted by Yara
over 8 years

7/14 Set the src attribute of your thumbnail image to be "".

alt text

(Set the src attribute of your thumbnail image to be ““.)

What the ??? I feel stupidity

alt text

Answer 55eb836451b887c7ea000591

0 votes


HI happyyoric94,

You have a couple of things going on there.

  1. Your neighborhood-guides div hasn’t been placed quite right with respect to your jumbotron.
  2. In neighborhood-guides, the first column needs a closing tag, you should be closing each column before the next one begins. That way they will be positioned side by side instead of nested inside each other.

Here is the overall plan that you are aiming for:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <div class="nav">
      <div class="container">
      ... your nav code goes in here

    <div class="jumbotron">
      <div class="container">
      ... your jumbotron code goes in here
    <div class="neighborhood-guides">
      <div class="container">
      ... your neighborhood-guides code goes in here

    <div class="learn-more">
      <div class="container">
        ... your learn-more code goes in here

Submitted by Judy
over 8 years