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Submitted by Tim
over 8 years

8/9 giving me "unexpected '{' parse error", can't see why

Here is my code, not seeing where I put an unnecessary ‘{‘. PLEASE HELP!! var userChoice = prompt(“Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?”); var computerChoice = Math.random(); if (computerChoice < 0.34) { computerChoice = “rock”; } else if(computerChoice <= 0.67) { computerChoice = “paper”; } else { computerChoice = “scissors”; } console.log(“Computer: “ + computerChoice);

var compare = function(choice1, choice2) { if (choice1 === choice2) { return “The result is a tie!”; } else if (choice1 === “rock”) { if (choice2 === “scissors”) { return “rock wins”; } else { return “paper wins”; } }

else if (choice1 === "paper")  {  
  if (choice2 === "rock") { 
      return "paper wins";
  else  {
      return "scissors wins";

else (choice1 === "scissors")  {  
  if (choice2 === "rock") {
      return "rock wins";
  else  choice2=== "paper")  {
      return "scissors wins";


Answer 55ee0d109113cbca4e00022b

1 vote


else must be without no condition, it is as default choice if no one condition above is true.

var compare = function (choice1, choice2) 
if (choice1 === choice2) 
return("The result is a tie!"); 
else if (choice1 === "rock")
if (choice2 === "scissors")
return("rock wins");
return "paper wins";
else if (choice1 === "paper")
if (choice2 === "rock") 
return "paper wins";
return("scissors wins");

This is mine code, as far as i understood task it must be only one return for “scissors wins”

Submitted by Laurynas K
over 8 years