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Submitted by K.C. Jones
over 8 years

Page just keeps loading

I entered a code and went back to check the syntax. When I came back to the page, half the code I had put in was there and the page just sits there trying to load with the progress circle thing in the middle, but never finishes and I can’t go any farther.

Here is the code:

Answer 55ef2decd3292f274c0000cd

0 votes


I’m encountering the same thing in 1/6. What I theorize is happening, based on behavior I observed in earlier lessons, is that the display window that parses your PHP and outputs the results is dynamically refreshing as you type code. Because of this, based on where my code stalled out (I had completed my loop, but when I refreshed, a bit was missing, and what was left would be an infinite case), I think it’s possible (especially while constructing switches and loops) for your code to be in a state that would cause an infinite loop at the moment the display attempts to parse your code, causing an infinite load. Just a theory.

I’ve tried all the standard “Break” key-combinations I can think of, and the best I can do is make the aero stop spinning. I’ve yet to figure out how to recover the lesson.

Submitted by RJeter81
over 8 years


K.C. Jones over 8 years

yeah that’s kind of what I was thinking as well. I had completed the code, but there was still something I was missing, so I hit the back button to check the code and when I came back, only part of the code was displaying and the infinite loop happened. Probably have to open another account with a different email and try again just to get past this lesson unless they can reset it or something.

Answer 55ef402c95e3782069000061

0 votes


I was able to un-freeze the lesson by going to the page on my mobile device and using the “Reset Code” button there. I then typed out the code I felt I needed to complete the lesson in Notepad++ and copy/pasted it successfully in to the lesson. I hope that helps.

Submitted by RJeter81
over 8 years


K.C. Jones over 8 years

I’ll give that a try! Thanks!

Answer 55ef4cdfe39efe1a200003f6

0 votes


well I feel a little embarrassed! lol I cleared the browser’s cache and it worked fine afterwards. It did come up with an error in Chrome, so I opened it up in Microsoft Edge and it had no issues. So clear your cache out if you have this issue! :)

Submitted by K.C. Jones
over 8 years


RJeter81 over 8 years

And if it gets hard stuck with the darkened screen and the loading aero on it, you can right click, select Inspect Element (I sometimes have to do this twice), and if you end up in a highlighted div container that says something about “overlays”, right click on that and Delete Element. Then you can enter your code, refresh the screen once, and should be on your way.

Answer 55f85dcb86f552db0a000284

0 votes


My solution is to type the php code into a text editor like notepad++ and then copy my finished code into the answer box. There seems to be a problem with parser.

Submitted by smokeyjones
over 8 years