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0 points
Submitted by Logan
over 8 years

Getting Unexpected token ILLEGAL

I can run the code and get to the next part of the project just fine in the editor but Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL is coming up under my preview with no actual error happening. I’m unable to use the preview properly because of it.

Apologies if this is the wrong section.

Answer 560a5a3986f5528ea9000248

1 vote


Did you try a google search uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token illegal in javascript

and/or present the code you are using mention the course&section and which browser you are using.

Submitted by Leon
over 8 years


Logan over 8 years

I had mistyped an octothorpe instead of a dollar sign on one of the selectors. Didn’t notice it til I ran the code through JSLint.

Logan over 8 years

On the topic of code or course/section and browser: It was Flipboard section 6, and Chrome.